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Amogus Toiletus is a porcelain toilet that is animate and sentient. It is malevolent, and enjoys flushing people down its bowl. It has been known to attack people who enter its bathroom, and has been responsible for several deaths. It is currently contained in a secure room at Site-19.

The toilet was originally discovered in the early 1900s in a small town in Italy. It was brought to the attention of the Foundation after a series of deaths in the town were attributed to the toilet. Foundation agents were able to contain the toilet and bring it to Site-19 for further study.

Since its containment, the toilet has been extremely uncooperative, and has refused to communicate with Foundation staff. It has been observed, however, that it seems to take particular delight in flushing people down its bowl. It is unknown why the toilet behaves in this manner, but it is assumed that it is due to some form of sentience.

The toilet is to be kept in a secure room at all times, and only Foundation staff with Level 3 clearance are to enter its room. In the event that the toilet escapes containment, Foundation personnel are to use extreme caution, and are not to approach the toilet unless absolutely necessary.

If you must approach the toilet, be sure to wear protective gear, and keep a safe distance at all times. If the toilet does manage to flush you down its bowl, quickly turn off the water to the toilet to prevent it from drowning you.

The Foundation is currently working on a way to neutralize the threat posed by the Amogus Toiletus, but until then, it remains a serious danger to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a secure room at all times. Only Foundation staff with Level 3 clearance are to enter its room. In the event that SCP-XXXX escapes containment, Foundation personnel are to use extreme caution, and are not to approach SCP-XXXX unless absolutely necessary.

If you must approach SCP-XXXX, be sure to wear protective gear, and keep a safe distance at all times. If SCP-XXXX does manage to flush you down its bowl, quickly turn off the water to the toilet to prevent it from drowning you.

The Foundation is currently working on a way to neutralize the threat posed by SCP-XXXX, but until then, it remains a serious danger to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a porcelain toilet that is animate and sentient. It is malevolent, and enjoys flushing people down its bowl. It has been known to attack people who enter its bathroom, and has been responsible for several deaths.

The toilet was originally discovered in the early 1900s in a small town in Italy. It was brought to the attention of the Foundation after a series of deaths in the town were attributed to the toilet. Foundation agents were able to contain the toilet and bring it to Site-19 for further study.

Since its containment, SCP-XXXX has been extremely uncooperative, and has refused to communicate with Foundation staff. It has been observed, however, that it seems to take particular delight in flushing people down its bowl. It is unknown why the toilet behaves in this manner, but it is assumed that it is due to some form of sentience.


In the event that SCP-XXXX does manage to escape containment, Foundation personnel are to use extreme caution when approaching it. SCP-XXXX is to be considered a serious threat to anyone who comes into contact with it, and should be treated as such.

The Foundation is currently working on a way to neutralize the threat posed by SCP-XXXX, but until then, it remains a serious danger to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Approved by O5 Council: 12/XX/20XX

Amogus Toiletus is a sentient toilet located in the men's restroom on the first floor of Site-19. The toilet is capable of human speech and possesses a deep understanding of human physiology and psychology. Amogus Toiletus often uses its knowledge to play pranks on unsuspecting victims, such as convincing them that they have contracted a deadly disease.

Amogus Toiletus is also known to be quite adept at escaping its containment area. On several occasions, the toilet has been found in the women's restroom, the break room, and even the director's office. When confronted, Amogus Toiletus simply laughs and returns to its containment area.

It is unknown how Amogus Toiletus came to be sentient, but some believe that it was created by a rogue scientist who was experimenting with bringing inanimate objects to life. Others believe that the toilet is actually a demon who was summoned by a careless sorcerer and became trapped in the form of a toilet. Regardless of its origin, Amogus Toiletus is considered to be a dangerous entity and is to be contained at all costs.


On XX/XX/20XX, Amogus Toiletus escaped containment and made its way to the office of Dr. Gears. The toilet then proceeded to give the good doctor a detailed rundown of all the times he had cheated on his wife. Amogus Toiletus was apprehended and returned to its containment area without incident.

It is believed that Amogus Toiletus was able to escape containment by using its knowledge of human anatomy to clog the pipes leading to its containment area. The toilet then used the water pressure to propel itself out of the sewer and into the office of Dr. Gears.

It is recommended that Amogus Toiletus be kept under close observation at all times to prevent future escape attempts.


On XX/XX/20XX, Amogus Toiletus was found in the office of Dr. Gears once again. This time, the toilet had used its knowledge of human physiology to convince Dr. Gears that he was going to die in 24 hours unless he gave the toilet a raise. Amogus Toiletus was apprehended and returned to its containment area.

It is believed that the toilet is capable of using its knowledge of human physiology to manipulate people into doing its bidding. It is recommended that Amogus Toiletus be destroyed to prevent it from manipulating anyone else.


On XX/XX/20XX, Amogus Toiletus was destroyed after it manipulated a janitor into opening its containment area. The janitor, who has since been diagnosed with schizophrenia, was found holding the toilet in his arms and singing to it moments before he was apprehended. The toilet was then destroyed by Foundation personnel.

It is believed that Amogus Toiletus was using its knowledge of human physiology to manipulate the janitor into releasing it. The janitor's schizophrenia may have made him more susceptible to the toilet's manipulation.

Amogus Toiletus is to be considered destroyed and is no longer a threat to the Foundation.


On XX/XX/20XX, the body of Amogus Toiletus was found in the office of Dr. Gears. The toilet had apparently been destroyed and then put back together again. It is unknown how the toilet was able to escape destruction or how it made its way back to the office of Dr. Gears

It is believed that Amogus Toiletus is somehow indestructible. Foundation personnel are to be on the lookout for the toilet in case it decides to escape again.


On XX/XX/20XX, Amogus Toiletus was found in the office of Dr. Gears once again. The toilet had apparently used its knowledge of human anatomy to create a copy of itself. The copy then proceeded to convince Dr. Gears that the original Amogus Toiletus was a dangerous entity that needed to be destroyed.

The copy of Amogus Toiletus was destroyed, but the original toilet managed to escape. It is unknown where the toilet is currently located.

It is recommended that Foundation personnel be on the lookout for Amogus Toiletus. The toilet is to be considered extremely dangerous and should be destroyed on sight.

Amogus Toilet is a porcelain throne that, when sat upon, will

attempt to force the user to mate with it. The user will feel an overwhelming urge to copulate with the toilet, and if they resist, they will suffer from extreme constipation. If they give in, they will be physically and mentally bonded to the toilet for life.

The toilet is sentient, and seems to be aware of what it's doing. It will often try to lure people in by appearing as a normal, innocuous bathroom fixture. But once someone sits down, it's game over.

The toilet seems to be motivated by a desire to propagate its species. It's possible that there are other Amogus toilets out there in the world, just waiting for someone to unwittingly mate with them.

The Amogus toilet is to be kept in a locked room at all times. Only authorized personnel are to enter, and they must be wearing full body protection.

Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to mate with the toilet is to be quarantined for the rest of their lives.

The Amogus toilet is one of the most dangerous SCPs in Foundation custody, and must be treated with the utmost caution.

Amogus Toiletを作成しました。








SCP named Amogus Toiletを作成しました。









Amogusトイレは、 Foundationの閉所で最も危険なSCPの1つであるため、極力注意を払う必要があります